Selasa, 23 September 2008

Our First winner!

We have our first winner in the September challenge contest!  Laura from California guessed the song title correctly and won this beautiful necklace from daintycrochetbyaly.  Congrats to Laura!!!

For those of you still pondering the name of the song, here's a little hint:  with a nod to our winner, this is something you might sip.

For all the contest details, check out our blog post here.

Good luck!

Third Floor Designs


Senin, 22 September 2008

Link of the Week! V

Today lets check out this fashion link: The Sartorialist. It's probably the most successful fashion blog and I can see why: so much style, good taste and sophistication, but also simplicity and mostly great street fashion (something that I personally adore!).


xx margarida

Jumat, 19 September 2008

Putting Your Best Face Forward II By Happiknits

Ok, all, let's talk Fall 2008 looks! Makeup trends span from soft and etheral to full eighties color modernized. First up, I think most of you will start to realize that I am a huge fan of MAC. Especialy the eyeshadows. They stay on so well. I always apply them with a brush and the darker colors I use wet as liner (you can buy an awesome slant brush from MAC for ease in applying). MAC is showing a gorgeous full color eye in a smoky deep blue. This look is achieved by blending 2 shadows- carbon and freshwater with a kohl eye pencil (blooz). This is a definite evening look, and anyone can try this, just vary the blending. Remember, the secret to successful eyeshadow application is to blend, blend, and blend some more.

Speaking of blending....the smoldering eye is also big this fall. Shown with a "nude" lip. Try MAC myth lipstick covered with Nice Buzz lipglass, so pretty! The smolder effect is acheived with a brush and blending. You can also apply some kohl eyeliner to the eye and blend that with a brush until you have acheived the look you are shooting for. Have fun!!! Play around in front of the mirror~~~ Be GIRLY :) I love this shadowy lady compact that MAC has out in their new fall line.

Have I mentioned yet that the MAC lipgloss is awesome? It has a slight vanilla scent to it and it stays on for a long time. I find myself only wearing lipgloss now. My favorites are Viva Glam V and VI. A portion of the proceeds go to charity.

MAC is also showing a gold eye. Golden lemon pigment, Brun (this color is great wet as a liner and should be in every women's makeup collection) When used dry Brun gives a smoky look. This is a stunning look and perfect to take you through the fall and right into the holidays!!!
Classic glam, aka the 80's Morgan Fairchild look is making a come back. Smoky eyes, lined with deep color around the eye and dark red lips. Ooohhhlala- look out for this seductress!!
Another trend spotted is Red lips! A little tip for wearing red lipstick to prevent the dreaded "bleed" of color onto the upper lip. Use a lipliner in either a matching red or neutral and color in the whole lip, making sure to line the edges nicely, then apply lipstick, blot, apply a little more and then top off with gloss. Perfect!!
Also spotted are bigger brows- think Brooke Shields here! Tweeze less or for a real treat have your eyebrows threaded. This is an Indian technique that gives a great line.
Tune in next month when I will be reviewing some new products- Kiehl's creamy eye treatment with avocado, Philosophy's help me retinol night cream and Philosophy's Supernatural.
Until then, have fun!!!

Team Happenings 09/19/08

Amy of amysfunkyfibers was featured in our team's very first paper press article in her hometown of Indianapolis!  Huge congratulations to Amy!!  Amy has a beautiful selection of nuno felted and hand painted silk scarves that are perfect for all the fall fashion trends.  Read the article and more about Amy's beautiful scarves here.  And be sure to browse through her store to buy one of these luscious creations for yourself!

Nora of norakaren was featured on the EtsyProfiles blog.  We love Nora and all of her creative handpainted wear.  We are so glad to see she is getting the attention she so deserves!  Nora does fantastic painting by hand on clothing.  I just love her trademark peacock, especially in this color combination.  Click here to read the feature and stop by her store.

And, our very own Etsy Front Page Goddess, Becca of Happiknits, was featured in front page treasuries three times this week.  Twice on one day!  Well deserved attention, Becca!!!  We bow to your goddess-ness!  With fall coming on here in the North East, I love her selection of fall colored cowls.   Click here to check out her knitted lovelies for yourself!

Be sure to keep reading the posts here on our blog for information about our team contest!

Have a great weekend!


Selasa, 16 September 2008

Link of the Week! IV

One of my favourite artists (I love all the latin influences on her work) and one of the best blogs ever... meet Elsita, the kindest, nicer and sweetest person! 

xx margarida

Senin, 15 September 2008

September Contest

You can win one of these beautiful prizes from the Fashion, Design and Lifestyle Team on Etsy!  Our September challenge project used a song title for our theme.  If you can correctly guess the title of the song, you win!  We will award all three prizes to three lucky winners.

Here is a beautifully detailed crocheted necklace from daintycrochetbyaly.  "On Fire" is a feminine necklace in a combination of oranges and yellows, with charming little roses.  Crocheted with 100% cotton thread, beaded with tiny glass beads and resin/shell beads.  Necklace measures 17-1/2" long.

We also have Simply Silver earrings from capitolagirl.  These are a simple pair of silver dangle earrings that go with absolutely everything, while still making a strong statement.  Made from silver plated chain and hoops, with sterling silver earwires; they hang 2-1/4".  These earrings were featured in Hybrid Mom Magazine.

The third selection is a lovely handmade brooch from happiknits.  Hand knit from a cream acrylic yarn with a beautiful vintage button at its center.  A leaf is fashioned from a toile designer fabric and hand sewn to the blossom, along with hand dyed silk ribbon.  Measures 4"x4-1/2".

Here's all you have to do:

1.  Check out the challenge items made by our team by searching on the tag "fdlsept" on Etsy.
2. Try to guess the song title that we used as our team challenge.  
3. Email your guess to  Include the complete song title and your preferred prize from one of the three pictured.

Additional guidelines:

1. Contest begins on September 16, 2008.  It ends on October 15, 2008, or when we have three winners, whichever occurs first.
2. Members of the FDL team and their families are not eligible to win.
3.  The first three correct answers will win. Winners will be announced no later than October 16, 2008.  All winners will be contacted via email.
4.  Only one entry per email address.
5.  Please do not post your guess in the comments section of this blog.
6. Open to US residents only.
7.  Winners must provide mailing addresses for shipment of prizes.  These addresses will only be used for this contest.
8.  All shipping costs will be paid for by the FDL team member.
9.  Determination of winners will be made by the FDL team and will be final.  Selection of prizes will be determined on a first-come, first-served basis.

Remember to check back here often for prize winners (and maybe an occasional hint!).

Be sure to click on the member's names to see more of their lovely items in their Etsy shops.  Also, check out all the wonderful items from this creative, global team at their team shop or by searching on the tag "fdlteam" in Etsy.

Good luck!!


Minggu, 14 September 2008

Filling the Well - 2

This week I have been thinking birdies. A lot of my art work at the moment has been inspired or features little birds, so in honour of the tweeting creatures I am dedicating this weeks post to them!

Designer of the week

First stop is this amazing designer Thomas Paul, who I found at this aladin's den of design Velocity. These plates are from his "Aviary Dessert Plate" collection. There are also a whole selction of wonderful designer here, a must stop for your wish lists.

Flickr Photo of the week
This is "Paper Bird" by Scream Phenix (Oliv). I love how the background seems like it is part of the bird, and the text on the paper.

Etsy shop of the week

This is only one of a beautiful selection of pendants from ThePendantFactory, who sell upcycled Scrabble Tiles covered with funky designs. I don't really wear jewellery but have been thinking about buying myself a few of these and hanging them in a little shelf in my living room.

Fun Find

My last find this week is to replace my recipe of the week, I thought it would be kind of tasteless to feature these little birdie in a meal, so instead I found this fun "Warbling Bird Whistle" instead! I think this may be in my bo's Christmas pile this year, he would love it and it's only 49p.

Thanks so much for all your inspirations last week, it is lovely how you can see them relfected in our work. What inspirations have you found this week?

Jumat, 12 September 2008

Team Happenings 09/12/08

A bit quiet on the team front as we are all in high creativity gear!

The Fashion Design and Lifestyle team and our project with Kiva (Sharing Hearts and Hands) was featured in the Team Digest on Etsy this month.  It was a terrific write-up and three of our members were featured in the item list following the article.  You go team!  For more information, check out the article here

We would like to welcome two new members of the team.

Vicki hails from Canada and is the creative force behind Revolute.  Check out her great designs here.

We also want to welcome Kim, who runs her own boulangerie shop on Etsy.  Check out her cool handbag and  accessory designs here.

Watch for upcoming information on our trunk show in the Etsy  virtual labs, being coordinated by Morgan of karma711.  Oh, I just LOVE her new line of rings!

Stay tuned for our September team contest being announced next week!

Have a great weekend everyone!


Rabu, 10 September 2008

Filling the Well

Thanks for joining me for the first week of my "Filling the Well" posts, where I'll share with you what has been inspiring me this week, from books, artists, designers, etsy sellers, recepies and flicker finds.

Artist of the week
Angie Lewin, a Brittish artist who works in various mediums of print. I love the way she selects her colours and illustrates nature. And I'm drawn to all things flowery and birdie at the moment.

Designer of the week: Olivia Cheugn
"Her work is about creating unique objects that have a sense of intrigue, which are inspired by popular culture, the environment around her, and finding interesting ways of using materials. " excert from her website
Here Olivia has worked on making the product packaging for a lightbulb become part of the product and have a function. What a great idea!

Etsy shop of the week
Elephannie, who make beautiful decals to decorate your interior walls. I love them all, what one would you choose and where would you put it?

Recipe of the week
Carrot and Coriander soup, one of my favourites and just perfect for these autumny evenings, with a bit of crusty bread!

Who or what is inspiring you this week, leave a comment and let me know.

Minggu, 07 September 2008

Happenings 070908

Well it has been another busy week for the FDL team members. Becca was featured on Etsy's front page no less than 3 times this week! This beautiful "Fire Goddess Scarf" was selected twice. Becca was also featured on Ellebelle's blog. Head over for a little look, she has great finds on her blog.

Nora was featured on "The Expressionist" website. This is a great interview, you really get to know more about Nora, her background and where her inspiration for her work began. Head by and read for your self.

We also have a new member in our team, Bree, who sells wonderful goodies in her Etsy shop, and has a really great blog. Bree loves all kind of design, from running an Interior design business to her love of all things crafty. Welcome to the team!

Link of the Week! III

A beautiful organization, you must check it out: Aid to Artisans

"Aid to Artisans (ATA), an international nonprofit organization, is a recognized leader of economic development for the craft industry. By linking artisans to new markets and buyers to culturally meaningful and innovative products, ATA provides needed economic opportunities to artisans while preserving the beauty of global handmade crafts."

I think it's a wonderful idea! Don't you?

Have a nice week,

xx margarida 

Rabu, 03 September 2008

The FDL Team is on YouTube

Melisa of love2sew  created this fantastic collection of Fashion Design and Lifestyle Team member's items on YouTube.  Click here to check out the fabulous fashions that this talented team creates!  

You rock, Melisa!  Thank you for all of your heard work!
